Monday, June 10, 2013

How to Choose the Best Drug Rehab Centers

There are many different options available when it comes to treating drug addiction and so it can be difficult to know which is the best drug rehab center for your circumstances. It is important to understand that cost is only one of the criteria that should be used to evaluate your treatment choice. There is quality treatment available even if you have only a limited budget. Below you will learn some of the most important questions to ask when looking for the best drug treatment centers.

Speak with a certified addiction counselor today at 888-992-6288

The Best Drug Rehab Centers Offer Multiple Treatment Approaches

best drug rehab centers
When it comes to drug addiction no two cases are the same. While face similar challenges it is a highly personalized problem. As such the best drug rehab centers offer multiple treatment approaches which are customized to the needs of the addict. The progress of the patient should be monitored and the treatment modified in order to achieve long term sobriety.

Does the rehab program offer proper medical supervision?

Withdrawal can be a painful and even dangerous process when it is not properly medically supervised. A quality drug rehab center will have highly trained medical professionals who are able to supervise the withdrawal process. They will be able to ensure that the addict experiences withdrawal in the fastest and least painful way possible. The will also ensure the patients safety during this process so that they are not harmed.

Is the patient checked for mental health issues?

Approximately half of all people who seek help for either mental health issues or drug addiction also suffer from the other problem. In addition as many as 8 out of 10 people who have bipolar disorder, antisocial personality, or schizophrenia are also addicted to alcohol or drugs. The fact is that mental health issues are one of the major contributing factor when it comes to drug addiction. If these mental health issues are not detected and treated, there is a very good chance that relapse will occur in the future even if short term sobriety is achieved.

Is the price justified?

Drug rehab programs can be very expensive. For luxury drug rehabilitation residences the costs can be upward of $50,000 a month. Luxury drug rehab residences do contain many facilities and service professionals that may not be available at lower cost drug rehab programs. This includes pet services, massage therapists, personal trainers, gyms, pools and other recreational activities. If you can afford these extras they can make the stay at rehab more pleasant and less disruptive to the lifestyle you may be used to. However they will not necessarily help with the problems of addiction itself. If you are on a limited budget you want to make sure that what you are primarily paying for is the quality of the treatment itself. You should be comfortable during your stay but the accommodation does not need to be luxurious in order for the treatment to be successful.

Will you have the space to focus on your addiction?

Addiction is a very serious problem and in order to overcome you need physical, emotional and psychological space. One of the advantages of choosing to stay full time during the initial period of your treatment is that you will be removed from the stresses, people and problems that may be contributing to your addiction. Once free from these external issues you can fully concentrate on achieving long term sobriety.

Is there after care treatment available?

Achieving long term sobriety is simply a matter of attending a 30 day rehab program and then being fixed for life. The best drug rehab centers will have a proper after care treatment program in place and so you know what you need to do next in order to maintain the sobriety you have achieved during your stay. This might include group or one to one counseling, 12 step programs or placing the patient into a sober living environment. It might even involve steps such as removing them from the environment which is contributing to their addiction or helping them to find work.

Summary of finding the best drug rehab centers

When looking for the best drug rehab centers it is important to do your research. The quality of care that the addict receives will play a significant role in their long term success.

 Speak with a certified addiction counselor today at 888-992-6288

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